Simply...Garnett, Kansas

​Simply...Garnett, Kansas

Simply...Garnett, Kansas

Community Give Back Program, Garnett, KS

Join Your Community Give Back Program!

  • Support your local businesses as shown below.
  • Shop and save your receipts!

Step 1.

Your business connection for Garnett and Anderson County, Kansas.

Click on image above.

Step 2.


So far, over $18,000 of receipts have been turned it! 

Community Give Back, Garnett

Step 3.

During the "Stay Home" Order during the Coronavirus outbreak, Commissioner Greg Gwin brought before the Anderson County Economic Development (ACDA) Board, and the Garnett Area Chamber of Commerce the idea of a community give back program. ACDA and GACC have since partnered together to create this program and provide its funding.

WHEN YOU BUY, YOU GIVE BACK...Support to Garnett/Anderson County businesses. 

WHEN YOU BUY, YOU WILL BE GIVEN $10 in Chamber Bucks per $100 spent at the businesses on the list.

WHEN YOU BUY, YOU GIVE THE BUSINESS YOU SUPPORTED the opportunity to receive a percentage back on the receipts you turned in (5% for Chamber member businesses, 3% for non-Chamber businesses). 

DEADLINE: The deadline has now been extended. Forms with receipts will be accepted until $4,000 in Chamber Bucks has been dispersed; whichever comes first. This program may be extended further if community support shows such need and additional funding is available.

Community Give Back, Garnett
  • Print this form and fill it out.
  • Mail or drop off the completed form with receipts.
  • Wait for your Chamber Bucks to arrive by mail! 
  • Participants will receive $10 in Chamber Bucks per every $100 in shopping receipts you turn in from the businesses on the list!
  • You can submit as often as you wish, with a maximum of $300 in receipts each time.

About Giving Back...

Click on image above.