Zoning Regulations and Building Codes
To...promote the health, safety, morals, comfort and general welfare of the City.
To...preserve and protect property values throughout the City.
To...restrict and regulate the height, number of stories, and size of buildings; the percentage of lot coverage; the size of yards, courts, and other open space; and the density of population.
To...regulate and restrict the location and use of building and land within each district.

Darin Wilson is the Building Official and Zoning Administrator. His office is located at Garnett City Hall, 131 West 5th Avenue, Garnett, KS, 66032. Telephone: 785.448.5840.
Before You Begin, Read These:
What Can You Build on an Easement Inspection Schedule
Permit Requirements
Sidewalk Grant Program
While funding is available, the City of Garnett will reimburse up to $2 per square foot for sidewalk replacement for both residential (4' wide) and commercial (12' wide). Please review the Sidewalk Assistance Application and contact the Zoning Administrator for more information.
Forms & Information
Permit Applications:
Trade Permit (Electric, Sewer,
Please Note: Application procedure may require the additional Zoning Application to accompany either Commercial or Residential Applications.
Most Frequently Asked Questions
State Requirements for Roofing Contractors
K.S.A. 50-6, 135: When applying for any permit required by the state or any of its political subdivisions for roofing services or jobs, a roofing contractor shall supply the permit-issuing official the roofing contractor's registration certificate number issued pursuant to this act. That official shall enter a roofing contractor's registration certificate number on the permit. More information Letter from KS AG.
* A roofing permit will be required by the City of Garnett as of 2018.