Simply...Garnett, Kansas

​Simply...Garnett, Kansas

Simply...Garnett, Kansas

Commissioner Brigitte Brecheisen-Huss has requested the original city ordinance documents be placed on this, the official website of the City of Garnett, Kansas, to preserve the historic value of these papers for the public to see. 

  Summer intern, Brody McClain, carefully scanned each page of the documents contained herein.  We thank him for his due diligence in helping with this project.

  The process is now underway to add the approximately 2,000 documents (.pdf format). When an ordinance number is skipped, it is due to the ordinance number being used as a "claims ordinance" to approve the city's payment of bills, etc. In some instances, there are number duplications. Otherwise, once complete all adopted ordinances can be found here.

PLEASE NOTE: Some of these ordinances have been repealed and/or replaced. To search for a specific ordinance, please contact City Hall or view the Unofficial City Code.  

The information found on this link has not been formally approved by the City Commission, but is the most accurate record of Garnett City Code online at this time.

City Ordinances

Ordinance 536  01-22-1912  Amending Section one of                                                    Ordinance 136

Ordinance 537  01-21-1912  Amending Section One of                                                  Ordinance 201

Ordinance 547  09-05-1912  Locating a Sidewalk

Ordinance 549  10-09-1912  Providing for the Calling of                                                  an Election 

Ordinance 551  11-04-1912  Relating to Sidewalks

Ordinance 558  04-07-1913  Relating to the Payment of                                                  Certain Moneys

Ordinance 559  04-09-1913  Providing for and Fixing the                                               Time of weekly Meetings of                                                  the Board of Commissioners

Ordinance 560  04-09-1913  Providing for the                                                                  Appointment, Salary, and                                                    Term of Office of the City                                                    Attorney, City Clerk, City                                                    Treasurer, Police Judge,                                                    City Engineer, City                                                              Marshall, Fire Chief, Street                                                Commissioner and Water-                                                  works  Superintendent, a                                                    Sexton for the Cemetery,                                                    and an Engineer at the City                                                Pumping Station

Ordinance 561  05-05-1913  Appropriate Money

Ordinance 562  05-19-1913  Amend Section 4 of                                                            Ordinance No.559

Ordinance 563  05-19-1913  Relating to Moneys                                                            Collected by Police /Court                                                  from Fees and Fines 

Ordinance 564  05-19-1913  Designating to Who Shall                                                    Be Paid the Tax provided                                                    for in Chapter 248 of the                                                    Laws of 1911

Ordinance 565  05-19-1913  Appropriating Certain                                                          Monies

Ordinance 566  05-26-1913  Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 567  06-02-1913  Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 568  06-23-1913  Relating to Billiard Halls Ordinance 569  07-07-1913  Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 570  08-04-1913  Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 571  08-04-1913  Granting the Missouri Pacific                                                  Railway Company the Right                                                  to Lay and Build a Side Track

Ordinance 572  08-11-1913  Levy a Corporate Tax

Ordinance 573  08-25-1913  Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 574  09-01-1913  Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 575  09-01-1913  To Call a Special Election

Ordinance 576  09-29-1913  Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 577  10-06-1913  Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 578  10-27-1913  Appropriating Certain Monies 

Ordinance 579  11-03-1913  Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 580  11-24-1913  Appropriating Certain Monies 

Ordinance 581  12-01-1913  Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 582  12-08-1913  Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 583  12-29-1913  Providing for the Issuance of                                                  Bonds for the Purpose of                                                        Extending the Waterworks of                                                Garnett

Ordinance 584  12-29-1913  Issuance of Bonds

Ordinance 585  01-05-1914  Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 586  02-02-1914  Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 587  02-09-1914  Relating to the Sale of Water

Ordinance 588  02-09-1914  Authorize and direct the                                                        Mayor and City Clerk to                                                          execute a contract with the                                                    Missouri Pacific Railway                                                        Company

Ordinance 589  02-23-1914  Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 590  03-02-1914  Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 591  03-09-1914  Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 592  03-30-1914  Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 593  04-06-1914  Appropriating Certain Monies

Page 3

Year​ - 1912-1913

Year​ - 1909-1911

Year​ - 1913-1914

Ordinance 460  10-15-1909  Relating to Sidewalks

Ordinance 462                      Repealing Ordinance                                                   456 Relating to Calling                                                 of an Election 

Ordinance 463                     Repealing Ordinance                                                  456

Ordinance 464 12-27-1909  Concerning the Water                                                   Works

Ordinance 469  03-07-1910  Regarding a System of                                                Electrical Wires for the                                                  Purpose of Propelling                                                  Electric Fans

Ordinance 474  06-06-1910  Relating to Sidewalks

Ordinance 475  06-06-1910  Running an Alley

Ordinance 477  07-26-1910  Relating to Parking on                                                 4th Avenue

Ordinance 479  08-12-1910  Levy a Corporate Tax

Ordinance 480  08-12-1910  Fixing the Salaries of                                                    the City Clerk and                                                        Repealing Ordinance                                                    421

Ordinance 481  08-12-1910  Relating to Sidewalks

Ordinance 489  10-24-1910  Relating to Spitting or                                                  Expectorating in                                                           Certain Places

Ordinance 501  04-17-1911  Maintaining Sidewalk

Ordinance 505  05-   -1911   Fixing the Salary of the                                               City Treasurer

Ordinance 506  05-08-1911  Regulating and                                                              Prohibiting the Sale                                                      and use of Explosives

Ordinance 509  06-05-1911  Amending Ordinance                                                   464 and Repealing                                                       Section 25

Ordinance 514  06-03-1911  Regulating the Keeping                                               of Swine

Ordinance 517  07-17-1911  Levy a Corporate Tax

Brody McClain, Summer Intern (2018)