Summer intern, Brody McClain, carefully scanned each page of the documents contained herein.  We thank him for his due diligence in helping with this project.

  The process is now underway to add the approximately 2,000 documents (.pdf format). When an ordinance number is skipped, it is due to the ordinance number being used as a "claims ordinance" to approve the city's payment of bills, etc. In some instances, there are number duplications. Otherwise, once complete all adopted ordinances can be found here.

PLEASE NOTE: Some of these ordinances have been repealed and/or replaced. To search for a specific ordinance, please contact City Hall or view the Unofficial City Code.  

The information found on this link has not been formally approved by the City Commission, but is the most accurate record of Garnett City Code online at this time.

Year​ - 1890-1895

City Ordinances

Ordinance 1  08-11-1861   Distribution of Real Estate

Ordinance 2  04-28-1862   Licensing of Dram Shops

Ordinance 3  02-04-1863 - Meetings of the Board,

                                           Other Purposes

Ordinance 4  03-05-1863   Collection of Money

Ordinance 5  04-25-1863   Granting License for                                             Dram Shop and Grocer Keeper

Ordinance 6  07-08-1863   Regulation of Swine

                                           Running at Large

Ordinance 1  04-19-1871   Restrain Dram Shops and

            Taverns; Regulate sale of Intoxicating Liquors

Ordinance 2 04-19-1871   Ordinance in Relation to

                                    Dogs approved June 15, 1870

Ordinance 4  05-03-1871  Building of Sidewalks

Ordinance 5  05-11-1871  Restrain Dram Shops and 

          Taverns; Regulate Sale of Intoxicating Liquors,

          Approved April 19, 1871

Ordinance 6  05-17-1871  Billiard Bagatelle, Jenny                                       Lind and Pigeon Hole tables

Ordinance 7  05-17-1871  Time and Place of

                               Regular Meetings of City Council

Ordinance 8  06-21-1871  Repeal Ordinance No. 4,

                                          Building of Sidewalks

Ordinance 9​  06-28-1871  Amending Ordinance 5 in                           Relation to the Building of Sidewalks

Ordinance 10  07-12-1871 Ordinance to Appropriate                                      Moneys to the City of Garnett

Ordinance 11  08-17-1871 Ordinance to Levy a                         Corporate Tax to Fray Cement Expenses                   and  Sidewalks

Ordinance 14  12-13-1871 Ordinance Providing for                                     and Relating to the Building of                                      Sidewalks on 2nd Avenue

Ordinance 15  12-13-1871 Ordinance to Amend Previous Amendment to Ordinance 5 Relating to Restrain Dram Shops and Taverns: Regulate sale of Intoxicating Liquors


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Simply...Garnett, Kansas

Year​ - 1861-1871

Brody McClain, Summer Intern (2018)

Ordinance 31  06-08-1874  Providing for the Building                                                    of Sidewalks 

Ordinance 32  04-19-1875 Regulate the Pay of Certain                                               City Officers and Amend                                                     Ordinance No. 22 

Ordinance 33  04-26-1875 Ordinance to Provide for the                                               Office of City Attorney

Ordinance 34                     Ordinance to Establish                                                       Certain Police Regulations

Ordinance 44           1876    Levy A Corporate Tax to                                                     Pay the Indebtedness and                                                 Current Expenses of the City

Ordinance 45  02-14-1877  Appropriate Money to                                                         Procure Hooks, Ladders,                                                   Buckets  and Other Apparatus

Ordinance 46  05-01-1882  Amend Section 2 of Fixing                                                  and Defining the Salaries of                                                Certain City Officers

Ordinance 63 030-1-1880   Sidewalks in the City of                                                      Garnett

Ordinance 67 03-25-1881 Prescribe Limits Relating to                                                Building Construction

Ordinance 68  05-  -1881   Sidewalk Maintenance

Ordinance 69  07-05-1881  Amendment of Ordinance                                                  Relating to Sidewalks on the                                              South Side

Ordinance 110 4-24-1886  Widen Main Street Between                                               4th and 5th Avenues

Ordinance 111  04-24-1886  Granting the Right of Way                                               to the Kansas, Nebraska                                                    and Dakota Railway Company                                             through the City of Garnett

Ordinance 117                   Providing for and Relating to                                              the Building of Sidewalks

Ordinance 118  06-06-1887  Extend the Boundaries of                                                 the City of Garnett

Ordinance 119                  Granting Franchises to D.T.                                                McFarland & Co. to be known                                            as The Garnett Street Railway                                            Company

Ordinance 120 8-17-1887 Levy a Corporate Tax to Pay                                              for Sidewalks Built by the City                                            under the Provisions of No. 4                                              and No. 9

Ordinance 121 11-14-1887  Relating to Riding on and                                                   Loitering about Trains

Ordinance 122  03-05-1888  Providing and Relating to                                                    the Building of Sidewalks

Ordinance 126 05-07-1888  Relating to Billiard Halls,                                                     Billiard Tables and Pool                                                       Tables

​Simply...Garnett, Kansas

Simply...Garnett, Kansas

Year​ - 1874-1888

Ordinance 124                    Relating to                                                                            Building  Sidewalks

Ordinance 125  11-10-18890  Erect and Maintain a                                                          System of Electric Light and                                                Electric Power

Ordinance 125                    Relating to Dogs Running                                                    at Large

Ordinance 126  12-1-1890  Relating to the Running at                                                    Large Chickens, Ducks,                                                        Geese, or Other Domestic                                                    Birds or Fowls

Ordinance 127                     Concerning Stock Running at                                               Large in the City of Garnett 

Ordinance 139           1893  Levying a Corporate Tax to                                                  Pay Current Expenses of the                                                City and Water Works

Ordinance 149  05-13-1895   Related to the Width of the                                                   Sidewalk

Ordinance 150  05-25-1895  Related to Labor of Prisoners

Ordinance 151  06-03-1895  Fixing the Compensation of                                                  City Officers

Ordinance 152 06-03-1895  Relating to Building and                                                       Maintaining Certain Sidewalks

Ordinance 153  07-01-1895 Appropriating Certain Monies                                               Not otherwise Appropriated

Ordinance 154  08-05-1895  Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 155  08-12-1895  Levying a Corporate Tax for                                                  General Revenue Purposes

Ordinance 156  08-12-1895  Relating to Vagrants

Ordinance 157  08-19-1895  Relating to License Taxes

Ordinance 158  09-02-1895  Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 159  09-02-1895  Relating to Misdemeanors

Ordinance 160  08-07-1895  Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 161  11-14-1895  Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 162  12-   -1895   Appropriating Certain Monies

Ordinance 163  12-09-1895  Prohibit the Sale of                                                                Cigarettes and Cigarette                                                      paper within the Corporate                                                    limits of the City of Garnett